I took these two photographs on a friend’s farm near Somerset East in the holidays because looking at skies like this just lifts my spirits. It's hard to feel stressed out when you are gazing at creation in all its unbounded glory.
If you love nature photographs, you also might like to check out Firefly and Skywatch. Firefly is a Port Elizabeth blogger who takes photographs that highlight our region and I’ve noticed that he also loves gazing at the setting sun. Yesterday he posted one of his daughter but perhaps he should submit it to Skywatch as even though it’s ostensibly of his little girl the contrast of her leaping up off the trampoline against the cloudy blue sky really hits home.
Anyone with a blog can post their own cloudscapes at the Skywatch site.
Port Elizabeth Daily Photo is another lovely blog for photographs that I particularly like because it is short on text and lets the picture tell the story. Have a look at Sue and Max’s shot of Hobie Beach at sunrise ... it's a stunner.
Hi Gillian
Thanks for the punt and the link. Wow. It is much appreciated.
Your observation is correct. If I could find a different setting every day to photgraph a sunset I would.
On a different note. I am sitting with today's LaFemme open in front of me looking at my photo and short piece of the ante-natal moms' kids going off to grade 1. My wife is very chuffed that she got it into the paper. Who would have thought that as a person that likes to take travel and nature photos that my first photo that gets published somewhere would be a straight forward people photo. Go figure.
Great shots. I do miss that huge expanse of sky...
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